Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Danish newspaper: Police foiled attack on Jyllands-Posten

The Danish police have obviously a terror attack against the newspaper Jyllands-Posten thwarted. As the police intelligence service PET on Wednesday announced that four people were preparing for an "imminent armed attack" was arrested at the Copenhagen editors of the publication. dpa police car in front of the building in the Danish Jyllands-Posten.

Four men from the radical Islamic scene planned, according to the Secret Service in a bloody attack on the staff of the newspaper book tip ad war and violence in the 20 Century: terrorism and history of three of the four suspects were living in Sweden and had arrived in the early hours of Wednesday after Denmark.

For them it were a 44-year-old Tunisian, a 29-year-old Lebanese native and a 30-year-old, whose origin was unclear. The fourth suspect was an asylum seeker from Iraq, it said. "An imminent terrorist attack has been thwarted," said chief Jakob Scharf, PET. In some of the terror suspects if they were Islamic militants.

According to the Secret Service wanted the four detainees enter the building, is where the Copenhagen office of Jyllands-Posten housed, and "kill as many of the people present as possible." Jyllands-Posten had published twelve cartoons in 2005 with the Prophet Mohammed. The drawings, which include representing Mohammed with a bomb in his turban, were reprinted by other newspapers and early 2006 led to some violent protests in Islamic countries.

Outraged Muslims refer to the prohibition to depict the Prophet in appearance and spoke of blasphemy. "To be mocked mocked and ridiculed" Jyllands-Posten wrote that Muslims should accept it. Although the paper had apologized at that time already, angry Muslims set fire in February 2006, such as Syria and Lebanon and Danish representatives.

The cartoonist Kurt Westergaard for his drawing of Muhammad repeatedly threatened with death. Kurt Westergaard's Muhammad cartoon angered the Muslim world since its release in 2005. Daily Buzz World "provides an overview. The Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten published twelve cartoons on Islam.

Some of them bring the religion and its prophets to modern terrorism and suicide bombings here. Thus, a show written by Westergaard drawing Mohammed with a bomb as a turban on his head. The Muslim world responds both to the content of their religion with terrorism and on the depiction of Mohammed outraged, which for many Muslims, an insult to the Prophet.

Danish Muslims will protest against the cartoons on the road. A Dutch newspaper published the drawings as well. January 2006 The wave of protests spread to Arab countries have, Saudi Arabia withdraws its ambassador from Denmark. Many European newspapers published under the defense of press freedom of some or all of the cartoons of Jyllands Posten.

With worldwide protests in Muslim countries die dozens of people, Danish embassies and other institutions in the country are damaged. The Danish police announced a murder plot against Westergaard to have prevented public. In response, several Danish newspapers once again the controversial images.

Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden threatens Europe over the cartoons with a "settlement". 2. June 2008 to die in a bomb attack outside the Danish embassy in the Pakistani capital Islamabad eight people. April 2009 The Danish Society for press freedom by Westergaard sold autographed prints of his controversial Mohammed cartoon for $ 250 apiece.

In Chicago, two men were arrested who allegedly planned an attack on the building of the "Jyllands Posten. 2 January 2010 A suspected Somali Islamist urges with a knife and an ax in armed Westergaard's house and threatened the cartoonist. It is of Police overpowered the same day and charged with attempted murder.

(Source: AFP)

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