Monday, January 10, 2011

Attack in Arizona: Stop victims Giffords is responsive

It is a sign of hope: The U.S. politician Gabrielle Giffords is, according to the doctors temporarily out of the coma and was responsive. In one attack in Arizona on Saturday she had suffered a head leading. Washington - A day after the assassination of the U.S. politician Gabrielle Giffords have the doctors "cautious optimism" expressed about their health.

The politician had been addressed and are now in an artificial coma, doctors Michael Lemole and Peter Rhee said the trauma center at the University Hospital in Tucson (Arizona) on Sunday. The 40-year-old congressman was able to "simple commands" to follow. This points to the assessment of the physician "a high level of brain function." Giffords, who had suffered a smooth head penetration will, respirator and could not speak.

The bullet had penetrated the left brain. As reported on, Giffords is the only one in ten in the hospital placed shot victims, whose condition is still critical. Shots at close range, the 22-year-old offender was shot on Saturday Giffords targeted at close range with a semiautomatic pistol into the head.

In the shootout in a shopping center in the state of Arizona a total of six people were killed - including a nine-year-old girl and a senior federal judge. A total of 14 people have been according to official figures from Sunday despite their injuries. The members stood for a long time in the cross hairs of the tea-party movement.

The attack was, according to police clearly Gabrielle Giffords. The 40-year-old had supported the health reform law by President Barack Obama strongly and had become the target of radical conservative opponents. Some time ago the windows of their offices in Arizona had been shattered. The relevant District Sheriff Clarence Dupnik made stoked the political climate in the country and especially in Arizona, the goal of many illegal immigrants from Mexico, responsible for the bloodbath.

Even U.S. media raised the question of whether and to what extent the heated debate on foreigners in the state and the increasingly poisonous atmosphere for a total bloodbath industry. Jared Lee L. The silent identified as Jared Lee L. shooter sits in custody. Two passers-by had overwhelmed him after the shooting, thus preventing an even worse bloodshed.

According to the authorities denied any statement of the offender, his motives are unclear. Bizarre statements and videos of the shooter on the Internet, however, point to a confused political background. The police believes it is possible that the 22-year-old has not acted alone. She is looking for a man who had been seen at the scene near the shooter.

It should be, possibly with an accomplice. Obama expressed her dismay, and spoke of an "unspeakable tragedy". Violence should have no place in politics. Similarly, the Republican president also expressed the House of Representatives, John Boehner. Sheriff Dupnik put his finger in the wound: an exciting atmosphere as the influence in Arizona can mentally unstable people.

"We are a mecca of hatred and prejudice have become," he said. The House of Representatives in Washington canceled all meetings in the next week. Shots during conversation with voters The crime occurred on Saturday morning, struck some voters as Giffords in front of a supermarket. There were chaotic scenes.

Eyewitnesses spoke of a "hell". It had been fired 15-20 shots. The nine-year-old girl was killed with neighbors came to the meeting with Gifford: Although so young, it had been interested in politics. Judge John Roll was coincidentally on at the scene. Among the dead is also a constituency of staff members.

According to media reports of alleged perpetrators L. railed against the government on the Internet. In social networks, he accused the political "brainwashing" which complained of high numbers of illiterate people and called for a new U.S. currency. Writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, he counted as his favorite book as Hitler's "Mein Kampf".

He had a criminal past, said Dupnik without first give details. Clearly, however, that the police were called last year alone, six times for disturbing the peace on the campus of L. Community College, who visited the young man. Giffords has 20 007 members of Congress. It is considered a moderate, but combative Democrat who is not always on the party line.

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