Thursday, May 26, 2011

Spain to the polls under the pressure of the movement "Real Democracia Ya"

"Now call us 22-M, because the movement renewed the fight," said microphone from the Puerta del Sol to Madrid while announcing a new week of employment. The protest in the name of a "Real Democracia Ya", which began after the last event of the 15-M, does not recede. Indeed, it is the heart of Spain comes the confirmation of what we breathed for days: "We feel the responsibility to go forward - said Raul, Madrid and father of two children - and get something for these kids.

Otherwise, all the energy we have invested is not served anywhere. " The square heart of the movement raises and then does so in a crucial day for Spain, working in consultation, such as that of the administration, which is a test case for the slippery Zapatero government. Targeted by the PSOE criticism, risks paying a high price for a crisis management too often breathless and subdued economic policies imposed by Brussels.

And it is this one of the key criticisms of the movement consists of citizens tired of being subjected to the choices of political parties which are not likely alternatives to stem the economic collapse. In this atmosphere the comeback of the PP, especially the laws next year to date is very likely.

The Socialists these days are confronted with the movement of 15-M. Even if not directly, have realized that a new pool of votes was threatened. The main representatives of the PSOE, the Prime Minister Zapatero at the head, called on participants in the protest at the ballot box. But apart from some formula of fact on the need to find new ways to engage the democratic process, did not address the critical matter that thousands of citizens are expressing.

"It is not easy to protest - says Marta, from Plaza Catalunya in Barcelona - we know that the change can occur through alternative proposals to a system that until now we have imposed from above. And this is what the committees are investigating, first and foremost the reform of the electoral law.

But the democratic process, as what we want, that is participatory, it is longer. " Of course long, but exciting as each shared and collective choice. General meetings in the center of Barcelona, every decision, the Commission points out, is voted on and if a substantial number of participants prefer to debate, that debate is.

It 'been the case for the construction of a small garden in the flower beds of the Plaza Catalunya. In an attempt to build even a republic of self-government in Barcelona, just like the camp at Puerta del Sol in Madrid, the occupants have grown tomatoes, zucchini and little else. At the general meeting, in front of thousands of citizens, the leaders of the Legal Affairs Committee have voiced concern that the damage to the facilities of the City Council could trigger intervention by the city police.

"We therefore propose - said Pablo, a student in law - that we build a vegetable garden furniture, on structures that do not affect the territory." Approved by the Assembly, now the proposal is again being considered by the Committee on Infrastructure. If we ask whether this is excessive zeal, the answer comes from Irene, thirty precarious: "Madrid have even solar panels, and numbers are higher in Barcelona.

Yet it works. It means that the wind is changing in this country. " The protest will continue to press on the political class in the coming days, every town mobilized to decide in what form. But certain is that June 15, exactly one month since the beginning of the uprising, citizens of 15-M will march to the offices of the central and autonomous governments, given the ganglia where to take their outrage.

Cristina Artoni

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