Friday, May 27, 2011

Bolivia suffers from a protest at the border Peruvian indgenas

Bolivia has lived for more than 20 days, the searing experience of his confinement due to a protest by indigenous Peruvians reject mining pollution of the lake basin binational. At least five hundred trucks await the lifting of pressure measures Aymara protesters occupying a bridge from earlier this month.

So far unknown number of vehicles found on the Peruvian side in transit to Bolivia. The people of the Puno region reject the mining concession to Santa Ana in the range of 50 kilometers from the border with Bolivia, both because it violates norms of their charter as the risks of environmental pollution, their leaders say.

Bolivians affected by conflict live Peruvian dramatic moments due to lack of food and water and the cold in the highland region to over 3,000 meters above sea level. The local press has been reflected in solidarity with fellow acts that have organized food drives, with the help of the people of Bolivia Desaguadero, and the drivers themselves who are learning to hunt wild animals for food.

The request came to help the Peruvian government to resolve the conflict will have to await the results of presidential elections in the neighboring country. Peruvian President Alan Garcia announced his intention to wait for "passing the elections on Sunday 5, because [the strike in Puno] has a very clear electoral purpose." He claims that his government has realized that there is an "unhealthy interest" to seek the death of one or more persons in the case can proceed to the forced removal of the roadblock.

More than half of Bolivian cargo passes through Chilean ports, nearly 20% do so by the Parana-Paraguay to the Atlantic and the remaining cargo through Peruvian ports or by air. The Chamber of Exporters estimated that in these days of immobility must have lost about $ 20 million and has demanded the Bolivian Foreign intercede with the Peruvian government to hasten a solution to the long conflict.

Carriers to Chile also expressed unease and suspicion at the decision to lift a Chilean peasants in the border fence, visible from the road between Pisiga and Iquique, supposedly to prevent the transmission of a possible FMD camelid livestock exists in both sides of the Bolivian-Chilean border.

The governments of Bolivia and Chile have exchanged statements that have strained the approaches to reach agreements that provide the high plateau country overcome the centenary geographic closure between the mountains and the Amazon plains, since last March when President Evo Morales announced his decision to seek international courts of justice to denounce the treaty of 1904 and find a way to end the confinement.

Morales, who has refuted statements by his Chilean counterpart, which gave notice yesterday during a military ceremony to demonstrate their commitment to dialogue effectively with the presentation of "a concrete proposal within the framework of the OAS resolutions to start a formal process negotiation [so that] Bolivia sovereign access to the Pacific Ocean.

" Morales said Bolivia will consider it in the best spirit of dialogue can solve a problem that can not continue like that on the continent.

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