Friday, April 22, 2011

Libya attack drone

Faced with criticism after going on the Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) by the Libyan opposition and some of its member countries, which consider not doing enough against forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, the Government of Washington approved the raid more accurate forces for the rebels.

This unmanned aircraft patrolling and possible action to support the insurgency, said Defense Secretary Robert Gates, on a mission he called a "modest contribution" to his country to the efforts of the international coalition. "They are perfectly adapted to these areas, urban areas. Provide capabilities to NATO command had not previously.

" The drones "are a very limited" to provide additional capacity to NATO, "Gates said about the Predator, silent aircraft used in espionage. For Gates, the decision to use the equipment was taken due to "humanitarian situation" in Libya and that these aircraft have a "capacity" that others do not have to avoid civilian casualties.

"What we bring is the ability of single to fly lower and therefore have a better visibility of precise targets, now that they (the forces loyal to Gadhafi) began to dig into defensive positions. "

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