Friday, March 11, 2011

"In Italy could never be an earthquake of those proportions"

"Italy is a country unprepared fornt of a large-scale earthquakes, we have unfortunately already seen. But it could never happen earthquake of the proportions of the one that struck Tokyo, "said Francesco Mele, an official of the trading desk of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology. Why could not happen in Italy? "Because there are no faults of this size and could cause an earthquake on the Richter scale near the order 9, as happened this morning in Japan.

Among other things, I think it's the earthquake, among those registered, the most violent in history. " The cause of an earthquake of this magnitude? "The fault that broke measuring hundreds of kilometers. And that is known. For this reason I say that in our area could never happen, there are no faults of this kind.

" It was foreseeable that the earthquake? "No, as always, there was no warning. And the Japanese have focused on the prevention studies and investment. But to no avail. Earthquakes are not predictable. " Technically, what happened? "This is an oceanic plate that tries to move to Japan, and the movement is in the order of 80 millimeter per year.

A lot. Do not do not record such movements, we nell'ordinne of one, two millimeters at most. " He said that is the strongest earthquake in recent history? "Among those registered, yes, absolutely in the first five, six." Much more violent than that recorded in the Abruzzo region two years ago? "A thousand times more violent" The largest earthquake ever recorded in Italy? "We say to Messina, but the methods of assessment were different then.

It was still the order of 7 on the Richter scale. " Suffice it to an earthquake even raze the country? "We do not make catastrophic predictions, it is useless. We work on prevention where possible, that is, the houses made with anti-seismic criteria, long and medium term. " (El)

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