Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hamas ready to observe a truce with conditions

The Ezzedine Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas to power in Gaza, said they were ready Monday, March 21, in a statement, meet again for a truce on condition that Israel "cease its aggression" against Palestinian Territory . This statement came in a climate of growing tension between Hamas and Israel.

Saturday, Ezzedine Al-Qassam fired fifty shells into Israeli territory after the death of two of its militants the previous day. These shots, unprecedented since the Israeli offensive Cast Lead, December 2008-January 2009 against the Gaza Strip, lightly wounding two Israelis and caused minor damage.

Other rocket attacks and shelling occurred since Saturday and were fired in retaliation for Israeli military strikes. Israeli aircraft carried out at least four strikes on the Gaza Strip late Monday, which were two minor injuries, according to Palestinian emergency services. On Monday, Deputy Foreign Minister of Israel, Danny Ayalon, launched death threats against leaders of Hamas in the wake of Palestinian gunfire.

"If the enemy stops its aggression and escalation against our people, then we will implement the Palestinian national consensus," the statement said, referring to the truce announced by the Islamist movement in January 2009 following the Operation Lead Cast.

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