Sunday, March 20, 2011

From Paris green light to attack Sarkozy: "Gaddafi has not heard"

PARIS - The military action in Libya is in fact already begun. In a brief press conference after the summit convened in Paris, President Nicolas Sarkozy said that French fighter jets are already on the country and are preventing the air strikes against Khadafi in Benghazi. The Air Force, he added, is ready to hit the tanks of Saddam besieging the city.

The Colonel is "still time to avoid the worst - Sarkozy added - if you will comply without delay and without reservation to the resolution of UN Security Council." France, concluded the tenant of the Élysée, "decided to play its part in the face of history." As for Italy, "for now, will provide only the basics - Silvio Berlusconi said after the meeting - but we are willing to provide resources where needed." No fear missile Tripoli: "Their range is such - added the President of the Council - they can not reach our territory." VIDEO Sarkozy's announcement at the summit "to support the Libyan people" took part - in addition to France - UK, USA, Germany, Italy, Canada, Spain, Norway, Qatar, Jordan, UAE, Portugal, Poland, Morocco , Holland, Belgium, Denmark and Greece.

This UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and the Europe Union, Catherine Ashton, the High Representative and the Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy. Did not participate in any representative of the African Union: Elysee sources as stated, is under way in Mauritania a meeting of the organization, preparing the diplomatic strategy to use in the Libyan crisis.

"We are ready with every means to enforce the decision of the UN Security Council - said Sarkozy - we had to make a difficult decision, but our determination is total. The door of diplomacy will be reopened when it will stop the aggression against the Libyan people. To avoid the worst, Gaddafi meets without delay and without reservations the UN resolution.

" And again: "Today, with our partners to intervene to protect civilians against the murderous madness of a regime that kills its own people. Intervene - said Sarkozy - to allow Libyans to choose their own destiny. They should not be deprived of their rights by violence and terror. " "We can no longer attend the massacres in Libya remain with folded arms," he said after the summit, the president of the EU, Herman Van Rompuy.

This was echoed by Cameron: Gaddafi has broken the ceasefire and this makes the adoption of urgent measures to prevent the number of victims among the civilian population can grow, said the British prime minister. "E 'come so the time to act swiftly - he concluded to implement the decisions of the United Nations.

We can no longer allow the slaughter of civilians. "The meeting was preceded by a pre-summit meeting between the host Sarkozy, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The immediate eve of the summit, Gaddafi had sent a message to the powers that have supported the resolution of the UN.

"regret any interference," he wrote in letters sent to France and Britain, two of the four letters he sent to the great of the earth - to Obama and the other two Ban Ki-moon - with a startling diplomatic gesture in extremis.

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