Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Evo Morales Bolivia .- auction a Leo Messi shirt to raise funds for the victims in Bolivia

LA PAZ, 15 Mar. Bolivian President Evo Morales, will auction a T-FC Barcelona's Argentine striker, Messi, to raise funds to be allocated to respond to the thousands affected by heavy rains and flooding in the South American nation . The Barca shirt with the traditional 10 to back belonged to the collection of local club's technical director BolĂ­var, the Argentinean Guillermo Angel Hoyos, who coached in the lower divisions Messi of Barcelona.

Morales has called this historic gesture of Argentine striker, whom he considers "the best player in the world." "I am convinced that the players have a sense of solidarity and a deep feeling for humanity, along with artists," has expressed to receive T-shirt Tuesday at a ceremony held at the headquarters of the Executive.

According to official statistics, rainfall in Bolivia has some 15,000 families left homeless and 52 killed since January this year when rainfall raged that have caused mudslides, landslides and flooding in several municipalities. Messi's shirt will be auctioned off to another club Bolivar on Saturday as part of the campaign "All caring, Bolivia one ', driven by the Morales government in order to collect humanitarian aid for victims of one of the worst torrential that has plagued this nation in recent years.

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